Year of the Rabbit in a nutshell

Year of the Rabbit in a nutshell

Happy Chinese New Year!

Goodbye to the snarly unpredictable Tiger who gave us a year of challenge and insight in equal measure last year.

Enter stage left the gentle, reliable energy of the water rabbit, the fourth animal of the Chinese horoscope. These creatures are easygoing, social it bring a more community focused energy to encourage and support the best in everyone. Water is an elemental force; it gives back to the earth and is a supportive, altruistic and non competitive energy. This year brings in new hope and prosperity - (Fingers double-crossed!) 

This creative force may pull you back into a creative pursuit previously cast to one side. But on the other hand, it may reignite a desire to immerse yourself in the Arts. Socially, this energy will encourage conviviality and diplomacy when disputes arise. 

This water element is not a roaring torrent but more like a babbling brook. That stirs your curiosity, and new learning opportunities may ignite different ways to grow your ambitions. Critical characteristics of elegance, patience, and skillfulness encourage a calmer approach and allowing you to take more time to reach your goals.

Rabbit's energy is highly adaptable. It's a survivor; it prefers options, not just plan A. There are always surprises, so learning to be flexible is vital, helping you adjust quickly to the uncertainties of life and our ever-changing world.