You are Beautiful

You are Beautiful
"And the day came 
when the risk to remain tight in a bud
 was more painful than the risk
it took to blossom.”
ANAÏS NIN (1903 - 1977)
Do you ever take time mindfully to trace the delicate outline of your body, a simple, soft, sensual pleasure of connection with your physical geometry? So often, our relationship with our bodies is skewed and viewed through the mind's lens, informing and influencing our assessment of our corporeal being. Often built on false beliefs, they inhibit us from wholly occupying our body; instead, we become responsive to external benchmarks and negative speak, never fully present in our bodies. We tune in to external criteria transmitted via TV, social media, fashion, and magazines. Have we forgotten the simple pleasure and joy of being alive in our skin? When did kindness and love for self leave the room? We seem to have lost our personal connection to self, taking delight in experiencing who we are in our bodies without judgment.

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford first coined the phrase, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  This presumes that the observer is the arbiter of beauty, validation, therefore, comes from an external source. If we just took the time simply to marvel, witness and respond to ourselves with the sensual tenderness and care we would proffer to a child, we could start to, perhaps transform a jaded point of view, negate self-loathing and buoy low self-esteem. Reach for comfort rather than sink  further into the self-sabotage that prevents positive action.

We live in a physical body and we can be present and expressive instead of disconnected. In many Eastern cultures, sensual well-being is seen as creative, liberating and essential, with rituals woven into their lives. It has nothing to do with age, shape or size... but somehow, we give those ideas all the power to strip us of any sense of self-worth by benchmarking ourselves against unattainable ideals rather than genuinely seeing ourselves. From here, we can start to heal on our own terms without pressure and unrealistic timelines, a kind of slow love. Our vibration speeds up when we shower it with love; with this comes a positive outlook, increased energy and compassion for the ups and downs. 

Baby steps

It's simple: you are here right now. Your shape may not be perfect, but in whose eyes? Let's start to change the negative speak, after all, the sacred geometry of your being is already there, ready to be discovered and nourished by spending more time approving and nurturing. Dissolve despair and frustration by seeing yourself as “I am Radiance, I am Beautiful, I am Happy, I am love, I am Inspired, I transform, I heal. You are the Light, luminous and enough”.

Repeat this before you sleep and as you wake, inwardly smiling as you repeat each statement three times. Do this every day and see how your attitude changes.

Sensual touch

Take time every morning to apply one of the following oils (instructions below), Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Patchouli and Sandalwood to heal and reconnect your emotional and physical body. You could also use a pre-blended oil like Therapie Life Cherish skin elixir or Therapie Life Soothe Body oil or extend one of the oils above in some olive or almond oil. Massage into areas that need love (the bits you don't love): belly, upper arms, breasts, buttocks, thighs.


Anoint as follows: Crown of the head, Third eye between the eyebrows, the back of the neck in the hollow below the base of the skull, on the breastbone between the breasts, over your solar plexus, lower abdomen, backs of the knees and the soles of the feet. 

“The body is an instrument which only gives off music when it is used as a body”.

Anais Nin